Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst
Specializing in: Individuals, Couples and Group Therapy


Hillary Volper


Modalities and

Dream Groups
for Dreamers

Speaking Engagements



Licenses and Affiliations


Dream Groups for Dreamers

Many people do not require psychotherapy, but have a keen interest in understanding their dreams, as a tool to unlock secrets of their lives. I use a method which enables people to discuss their dreams safely and openly in a non-therapeutic group setting.

A number of people meet weekly in my office on an ongoing basis, to discuss their individual dreams. We do not analyze, interpret, advise, or judge. There are many ways to work with dreams; however, I have found the following approach works best:

First, we listen to a person's dream. Second, each person responds as if the dream were theirs, and gives a personal reaction to it. From the 6-8 people who respond, the dreamer has a multitude of possibilities from which to interpret his or her dream.

The dreamer is free to accept or reject any of the possibilities offered.  Or, in some cases, the dreamer might find that during the week after the group meeting, something may come up that provides an "aha" moment of understanding into the dream. For there is no more honest way to gain insight into ourselves than through our dreams.

I have been interpreting dreams for over 25 years. And I encourage everyone to learn to understand what their dreams are telling them.  People have deepened their insights into: relationships, work, children, health and much more. Because we are the writers, directors, producers, actors and of our own dreams, we have the knowledge of our dreams at our finger tips. Dreaming is symbolic and when we unlock the keys to our symbols, we discover a new world.

Dream Groups for Dreamers meets once a week, in the evening, for 1 1/2 hours, on different days of the week. If you are interested in more information about Dream Groups for Dreamers, please call me : 212-889-7013.
I look forward to speaking with you.          

Hillary Volper , LCSW