Hillary Volper
Modalities and
Dream Groups
for Dreamers
Speaking Engagements
and Affiliations
Hillary Volper, LCSW
Welcome to Hillary Volper's website. I am a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in private practice for over 25 years, and practice in New York City, and Larchmont, New York. I also conduct Dream Groups for Dreamers, a non-therapeutic group for people to discuss their dreams.
I hope by exploring my website, you will gain a greater understanding of why psychotherapy and dream interpretation is valuable.
Imagine the process of therapy as a personal treasure hunt. As you embark on your journey, you begin to collect small treasures along the way.
For example, you may initially obtain greater self-awareness and understanding, later you may develop more sensitivity and empathy, and even further along in the treasure hunt, you may see yourself healing relationships. And finally, you may discover that you have a greater capacity for joy and laughter.
Psychotherapy guides you towards your own wisdom. Dreams serve as guideposts on your search, and illuminate those dark moments, when the road may become confusing.
What treasure could be more valuable than a deeper acceptance of yourself? I invite you to take part in this adventure and to choose the path that feels right to you.
Hillary Volper, LCSW